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Last Revision #2

* Licence added (WTFPL 2)
* _xdo() function added (like _do() but with a custom text displayed)
* Fixes an issue with error detection
* Fixes an issue with the _locale() detection in the help
* Always run the script from within its folder
* Check build dep. before packaging
* Send the prefix to the _package() function
By Fabien LOISON, on Wednesday 28 September 2011, 09:14:58

Branch Log


By Fabien LOISON, on Wednesday 28 September 2011, 09:14:58

* Licence added (WTFPL 2)
* _xdo() function added (like _do() but with a custom text displayed)
* Fixes an issue with error detection
* Fixes an issue with the _locale() detection in the help
* Always run the script from within its folder
* Check build dep. before packaging
* Send the prefix to the _package() function

By Fabien LOISON, on Friday 02 September 2011, 15:45:34

Initial commit
* Install, Remove, Package, Dependencies (built/run), Locales and
  Help implemented.
* _msg, _title and _do implemented
* Logging implemented